Solution: Think Like a Nurse Textbooks
Developed for educators in academic settings and nurse residency programs, these three sequential volumes provide the comprehensive content nurses need to successfully transition to practice.
These textbooks highlight essential content and show how a nurse can apply this knowledge to provide safe patient care.
Laying the Foundation for Professional Practice
Best suited for fundamental students.
Describes the essential attitudes and practical strategies necessary to thrive as a student and grow into the role of a professional nurse.
Building the Knowledge Base for Professional Practice
Best suited for first-year students.
Emphasizes the practical use of the applied sciences of pathophysiology, pharmacology and how lab values relate to fluid and electrolyte balance.
Developing Clinical Judgment for Professional Practice
Best suited for Capstone and nurse residency programs.
Shows how using knowledge and clinical reasoning skills lead to making accurate judgments when providing patient care.
Curriculum Map
Download the curriculum map to see how each textbook volume can be easily integrated into your curriculum or nurse residency program to enhance a new nurse’s transition to real-world practice.