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New Jersey League for Nursing Convention: Pre-Conference Program & Keynote

Dr. Keith Rischer and Dr. Maria Flores-Harris will present a full-day Pre-Convention program on March 20, "Are Nurses Practice Ready? Bridging the Education-Practice Gap with Confidence." They will also present the keynote, "Creating Your Path in Nursing: Forming Your Professional Identity” on March 21.

Facebook/YouTube Live: Active Learning: What it is and What it is Not

To better prepare students for practice, learning must be active. Join Keith and Maria for a crucial conversation with Monina Franco-Tantuico, author of the article, "Active Learning: A Concept Analysis With Implications for Nursing Education" to define active learning and identify best-practice active learning strategies.


Free Monthly Workshop: How to Develop Clinical Judgment with KeithRN Resources – April 5

Is your program integrating clinical judgment skills across the curriculum to prepare your students for clinical practice and Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) licensure? Learn how to effectively use KeithRN tools, new Think Like a Nurse student textbooks, and unfolding clinical reasoning case studies that integrate Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model into your teaching.


Nurse Educator Institute: New Graduate Transition into Successful Practice

Chateau on the Lake Resort Spa & Convention Center 415 North State Highway 265, Branson, MO, United States

I am looking forward to presenting three sessions on clinical judgment and strengthening student transition to clinical practice. KeithRN will also be a vendor and would value the chance to...