Clinical Decision Cards Promote Clinical Judgment in Nursing Students Educators Clinical Decision Cards Promote Clinical Judgment in Nursing StudentsThis post was written by Martha Johnson, MSN, RN, CEN, founder of BreakoutRN. Allowing students…Guest AuthorOctober 5, 2022
Why Case Studies? Making the Case for a Case-Based Curriculum Educators Why Case Studies? Making the Case for a Case-Based CurriculumEducators need to make case studies a foundational active learning strategy. You can start changing…Keith RischerSeptember 15, 2022
How to Design a Curriculum that Develops Clinical Judgment Skills ArticlesClinical JudgmentEducatorsTop Blogs How to Design a Curriculum that Develops Clinical Judgment SkillsCurriculum development in nursing education must be evidence-based, using evidence-based and practice-based frameworks to inform…Keith RischerSeptember 1, 2022
Using an Empathy Map to Teach Caring in Nursing Education Educators Using an Empathy Map to Teach Caring in Nursing EducationThis post was written by Martha Johnson, MSN, RN, CEN, a nurse educator and owner of…Guest AuthorJuly 15, 2022
Nursing is My Calling and Nurses are My Heroes Educators Nursing is My Calling and Nurses are My HeroesThis post was written by Dr. Sharon Goldfarb, an experienced clinician, educator, and public health advocate. The…Guest AuthorJuly 8, 2022
The Trauma-Informed Classroom Educators The Trauma-Informed ClassroomThis post was written by Dr. Sharon Goldfarb, an experienced clinician, educator, and public health advocate.When I…Guest AuthorJune 24, 2022
The Best Definition of Clinical Reasoning to Help Students Think More Like a Nurse Educators The Best Definition of Clinical Reasoning to Help Students Think More Like a NurseHow you define essential nurse thinking terms such as critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical…Keith RischerJune 16, 2022
Resiliency is a Dirty Word Educators Resiliency is a Dirty WordThis post was written by Dr. Sharon Goldfarb, an experienced clinician, educator, and public health advocate. For…Guest AuthorJune 10, 2022
Popsicle Stick Prioritization Educators Popsicle Stick PrioritizationThank you to Martha Johnson, MSN, RN, CEN for contributing this post, and making her practical and…Guest AuthorJune 3, 2022
Top Ten Considerations for Teaching towards Health Equity Educators Top Ten Considerations for Teaching towards Health EquityThis post was written by Dr. Sharon Goldfarb, an experienced clinician, educator, and public health advocate. Last…Guest AuthorApril 29, 2022
How to Communicate the Knowledge from Practice to Develop Holistic Clinical Judgment Educators How to Communicate the Knowledge from Practice to Develop Holistic Clinical JudgmentClinical judgment is essential to prepare students for professional practice and the upcoming Next Generation…Keith RischerApril 21, 2022
Leading the Change for Safer Hospitals and Nurses Educators Leading the Change for Safer Hospitals and NursesThis post was written by Dr. Sharon Goldfarb, an experienced clinician, educator, and public health…Guest AuthorApril 7, 2022