How an Ancient Greek Philosopher Can Help Your Students Think More Like a Nurse ArticlesClinical TeachingNurse Thinking How an Ancient Greek Philosopher Can Help Your Students Think More Like a NurseThough Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher lived over 2500 years ago, his unique style of…Keith RischerOctober 18, 2018
Does Best-Practice or Student Feedback Most Influence Your Teaching? ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Does Best-Practice or Student Feedback Most Influence Your Teaching?Do your students resist active learning? This is an all too common struggle that many…Keith RischerOctober 4, 2018
Skip the “Sandwich” & Use a “WRAP” Instead to Provide Meaningful Student Feedback ArticlesClinical Teaching Skip the “Sandwich” & Use a “WRAP” Instead to Provide Meaningful Student FeedbackDo you use a sandwich to provide feedback to students in the clinical setting? This…Keith RischerSeptember 20, 2018
Seven Questions Every New Nursing Student Needs to Answer Art of NursingArticles Seven Questions Every New Nursing Student Needs to AnswerDo your students know what it means to be a nurse? Use these seven questions…Keith RischerSeptember 6, 2018
What a Good Nurse Has in Common with the Good Samaritan Articles What a Good Nurse Has in Common with the Good SamaritanHave you ever stopped to consider what the good Samaritan and a good nurse have…Keith RischerAugust 23, 2018
How to Use Case Studies to Better Prepare Students for the Dilemmas of Practice Art of NursingArticlesPreparing for Practice How to Use Case Studies to Better Prepare Students for the Dilemmas of PracticeHow do you prepare students to face the unexpected dilemmas in clinical practice? Learn how…Keith RischerJuly 26, 2018
How to Help Students Provide Patient and Family Centered Care Art of NursingArticlesClinical Teaching How to Help Students Provide Patient and Family Centered CareMost students struggle to not only see the patient but also the family and their…Keith RischerJuly 12, 2018
How to Strengthen & Develop the Critical Thinking Students Require for Practice ArticlesClinical TeachingNurse ThinkingPreparing for Practice How to Strengthen & Develop the Critical Thinking Students Require for PracticeCan critical thinking be taught? I have developed six sequential questions and share them in…Keith RischerJune 28, 2018
What the Best Educators Do to Develop the Thinking of Students ArticlesClinical TeachingNurse Thinking What the Best Educators Do to Develop the Thinking of StudentsWhat do Socrates, Jesus, and transformational nurse educators today have in common? They all use…Keith RischerMay 31, 2018
What Would Nightingale Say to this Generation of Nurses? Art of NursingArticles What Would Nightingale Say to this Generation of Nurses?Many programs face challenges that include student incivility, cheating other issues related to moral character.…Keith RischerMay 3, 2018
Why Nurses Need to Take Off Their Gloves Art of NursingArticles Why Nurses Need to Take Off Their GlovesWhen the nurse understands the importance of direct human touch and what it communicates to…Keith RischerApril 26, 2018
Are Rapid Response Teams the Best Response to Improve Patient Outcomes? (6th in series) ArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice Are Rapid Response Teams the Best Response to Improve Patient Outcomes? (6th in series)Rapid Response Teams (RRT) can help facilitate critical care intervention in a crisis. But there…Keith RischerApril 20, 2018