How Educators Can Impact Student Success & the Nursing Profession ArticlesClinical TeachingNews How Educators Can Impact Student Success & the Nursing ProfessionWhy did you enter nursing? Did you want to serve and help others? Make a…Keith RischerFebruary 9, 2022
How Having a Professional Identity Can Help Nurses and a Profession in Crisis Art of NursingArticlesPreparing for Practice How Having a Professional Identity Can Help Nurses and a Profession in CrisisIndividual nurses and the entire nursing profession are in crisis after nearly two years of…Keith RischerJanuary 20, 2022
Developing Clinical Judgment in Simulation ArticlesClinical JudgmentClinical Teaching Developing Clinical Judgment in SimulationClinical judgment is the most important skill nurses need to learn. And like any skill…Keith RischerSeptember 1, 2021
Trending Topics in Nursing Education: Learning From Student Evaluations and Preparing Students for the Next Gen NCLEX ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical JudgmentClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice Trending Topics in Nursing Education: Learning From Student Evaluations and Preparing Students for the Next Gen NCLEXLast week on Facebook and YouTube Live, I continued my series on trending topics in…Keith RischerMay 27, 2021
Using the Science of Learning to Develop Clinical Judgment: Situated Cognition and Cognitive Load Theory ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Judgment Using the Science of Learning to Develop Clinical Judgment: Situated Cognition and Cognitive Load TheoryMeaningful learning requires content to be provided within a context so knowledge can be applied.…Keith RischerMay 19, 2021
Trending Topics in Nursing Education: Mentoring Clinical Faculty and Finding a Healthy Work-Life Balance Art of NursingArticlesClinical JudgmentClinical Teaching Trending Topics in Nursing Education: Mentoring Clinical Faculty and Finding a Healthy Work-Life Balance Last week on Facebook and YouTube Live, I continued my series on trending topics in…Keith RischerMay 13, 2021
Introduction to Using the Science of Learning to Develop Clinical Judgment ArticlesClinical Judgment Introduction to Using the Science of Learning to Develop Clinical JudgmentHow are our brains designed to learn? And how can we as educators align our…Keith RischerMay 5, 2021
Trending Topics in Nursing Education: Strategies to Use in Post-Conference to Develop Clinical Judgment ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical JudgmentClinical TeachingNurse Thinking Trending Topics in Nursing Education: Strategies to Use in Post-Conference to Develop Clinical JudgmentI addressed a recent post by a member in the Facebook group Teachers Transforming Nursing…Keith RischerApril 29, 2021
Innovative Active Learning Strategies to Develop Caring and Clinical Judgment ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking Innovative Active Learning Strategies to Develop Caring and Clinical JudgmentActive learning is critical for engaging students and getting them to think critically. How do…Keith RischerApril 15, 2021
Fostering a Culture of Civility in Nursing Education and Practice ArticlesClassroom TeachingNurse ThinkingPreparing for Practice Fostering a Culture of Civility in Nursing Education and PracticeWhy do incivility and bullying remain a problem in nursing education and practice settings when…Keith RischerMarch 31, 2021
Developing Professional Identity Using Case Studies ArticlesClassroom TeachingNurse Thinking Developing Professional Identity Using Case StudiesHow do you integrate Professional Identity Formation into your curricula? During my recent Facebook and…Keith RischerMarch 18, 2021
Four Principles to Transform How Nursing is Taught ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking Four Principles to Transform How Nursing is TaughtI recently discussed on Facebook and YouTube Live, four essential principles that are critical to…Keith RischerFebruary 18, 2021