What a Lifeguard and a Nurse Have in Common…How to Teach Nurse Vigilence in the Clinical Setting ArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice What a Lifeguard and a Nurse Have in Common…How to Teach Nurse Vigilence in the Clinical SettingJust as a lifeguard is looking for a person in possible crisis, the professional nurse…Keith RischerDecember 8, 2014
Don’t Just “Flip” Your Classroom…TRANSFORM It! ArticlesClassroom Teaching Don’t Just “Flip” Your Classroom…TRANSFORM It!If there is one “hot topic” in nursing education today, it is “flipping” your classroom.…Keith RischerDecember 3, 2014
Successful Strategies to Promote & Develop Safety in the Clinical Setting (Part 1/2) ArticlesClinical Teaching Successful Strategies to Promote & Develop Safety in the Clinical Setting (Part 1/2)How does a clinical educator help intentionalize safety for everything that is done in the…Keith RischerOctober 30, 2014
“Jason” is Still Out There! Why Friday the 13th is Relevant to Every Transformational Nurse Educator ArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice “Jason” is Still Out There! Why Friday the 13th is Relevant to Every Transformational Nurse EducatorDo any of you remember “Jason” from the original Friday the 13th slasher/horror movies from…Keith RischerSeptember 4, 2014
Want to Transform Nursing Education? Start with a Can of NANDA “Lite!” ArticlesClinical Teaching Want to Transform Nursing Education? Start with a Can of NANDA “Lite!”If clinical reasoning needs to be EMPHASIZED, then it should be obvious that something else…Keith RischerAugust 25, 2014
Student Success or Patient Safety: Which Bar Prevails in Your Program & Why it Matters ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Student Success or Patient Safety: Which Bar Prevails in Your Program & Why it MattersAs nurse educators we have a duty and responsibility to protect the public from students…Keith RischerAugust 8, 2014
What Transformational Nurse Educators Have in Common with Grey Whales ArticlesClassroom Teaching What Transformational Nurse Educators Have in Common with Grey WhalesBoth students and faculty are sinking in a content ocean of TMI (too much information)…Keith RischerJune 14, 2014
4 Lessons from an Ancient Master Teacher That Can Transform Nursing Education Today ArticlesClassroom Teaching 4 Lessons from an Ancient Master Teacher That Can Transform Nursing Education TodayThere was a master teacher who lived over 2,000 years ago that can also be…Keith RischerMay 29, 2014
Feed Me! Why Educators Must Not Spoonfeed Adult Learners (2nd in a series) ArticlesClassroom Teaching Feed Me! Why Educators Must Not Spoonfeed Adult Learners (2nd in a series)Are students acting like infants or adults in nursing education? Based on the results of…Keith RischerMay 22, 2014
3 Reasons Why NANDA is a NONO to Develop Nurse Thinking (7th in a series) ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking 3 Reasons Why NANDA is a NONO to Develop Nurse Thinking (7th in a series)NANDA nursing diagnostic statements can be a barrier to identifying the current care priority when…Keith RischerApril 16, 2014
The “Five Rights” of Clinical Reasoning (4th in a series) ArticlesClinical JudgmentClinical TeachingNurse Thinking The “Five Rights” of Clinical Reasoning (4th in a series)In addition to the 5+ "rights" related to safe med administration that every student and…Keith RischerMarch 27, 2014
Where’s the Caring? (1st in a series) Art of NursingArticles Where’s the Caring? (1st in a series)Though caring is the "beef" that is the essence of nursing practice and most important…Keith RischerMarch 4, 2014