Why Nurses Need to Think More like a Doctor to Be a Better Nurse ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking Why Nurses Need to Think More like a Doctor to Be a Better Nurse If a nurse understands the essence of physician practice including WHY specific medications and treatments…Keith RischerJuly 23, 2015
Simple Strategies to Cultivate Caring & Empathy in the Clinical Setting Art of NursingArticles Simple Strategies to Cultivate Caring & Empathy in the Clinical Setting The book 160 Ways To Empathize is based on interviews with over 1000 patients and…Keith RischerJuly 16, 2015
The #1 Barrier to Transform Your Content and how to Overcome It! ArticlesClassroom Teaching The #1 Barrier to Transform Your Content and how to Overcome It! I recently jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet on my first skydive. I…Keith RischerJune 25, 2015
The One Strategy You (and your students) Must Know to STOP Bullying Behaviors Directly and Respectfully Art of NursingArticles The One Strategy You (and your students) Must Know to STOP Bullying Behaviors Directly and Respectfully New nurses are most likely to experiene incivility after they graduate. How is your program…Keith RischerJune 4, 2015
How to Strengthen Student’s Ability to make a Correct Clinical Judgment ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking How to Strengthen Student’s Ability to make a Correct Clinical Judgment Though clinical reasoning is the essence of thinking like a nurse, the end result of…Keith RischerMay 14, 2015
Four Simple Strategies to Deepen Student Learning in the Clinical Setting ArticlesClinical Teaching Four Simple Strategies to Deepen Student Learning in the Clinical Setting Student learning in clinical is where the "rubber meets the road" in nursing education. The…Keith RischerMarch 24, 2015
Three Practical Strategies to Deepen Student Learning of the Most Important Content in Your Program ArticlesClassroom Teaching Three Practical Strategies to Deepen Student Learning of the Most Important Content in Your Program Most students are stressed by the amount of content they are expected to master. Educators…Keith RischerMarch 16, 2015
“We Are All One Nurse”…How Nightingale’s Vision Can Transform Every Educators Sense of Mission Art of NursingArticles “We Are All One Nurse”…How Nightingale’s Vision Can Transform Every Educators Sense of Mission Florence Nightingale had a vision of professional nursing that saw all nurses as "one nurse."…Keith RischerMarch 5, 2015
Do You Know These Questions That Begin with ‘What’ To Develop Nurse Thinking in the Clinical Setting? ArticlesClinical JudgmentClinical TeachingNurse Thinking Do You Know These Questions That Begin with ‘What’ To Develop Nurse Thinking in the Clinical Setting? Asking relevant questions is one of the most effective strategies to strengthen the critical/clinical thinking…Keith RischerFebruary 26, 2015
What Nurse Educators Need Today: Enlightening Results from My Most Recent Faculty Survey ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching What Nurse Educators Need Today: Enlightening Results from My Most Recent Faculty Survey What do nurse educators need to balance the relentless daily challenges of academia and be…Keith RischerFebruary 12, 2015
Should We Change the Name of the Profession? Art of NursingArticles Should We Change the Name of the Profession? Would it surprise you that the current name of the profession, “nurse” or “nursing” is…Keith RischerFebruary 3, 2015
What a Lifeguard and a Nurse Have in Common…How to Teach Nurse Vigilence in the Clinical Setting ArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice What a Lifeguard and a Nurse Have in Common…How to Teach Nurse Vigilence in the Clinical Setting Just as a lifeguard is looking for a person in possible crisis, the professional nurse…Keith RischerDecember 8, 2014