What Character Trait Must Students Possess to Improve their Ability to Critically Think? ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking What Character Trait Must Students Possess to Improve their Ability to Critically Think?There is one character trait that must be emphasized as well as internally present in…Keith RischerMay 12, 2016
How to Identify Sepsis: As Simple as Four “T’s” and 1, 2, 3! ArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice How to Identify Sepsis: As Simple as Four “T’s” and 1, 2, 3!Any nurse can be a superhero and possibly save a life when a change in…Keith RischerApril 28, 2016
Surviving Sepsis: What Every Nurse NEEDS to Know to Be SAFE in Practice ArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice Surviving Sepsis: What Every Nurse NEEDS to Know to Be SAFE in PracticeSepsis is a KILLER that continues to be a growing problem in health care settings…Keith RischerApril 21, 2016
Three Words That When APPLIED Will Transform Your Content and Strengthen Student Learning! ArticlesClassroom Teaching Three Words That When APPLIED Will Transform Your Content and Strengthen Student Learning!Case studies are old school, but have the power to situate clinical realities as low…Keith RischerApril 14, 2016
Why Incivility Continues to Be a Problem in the Nursing Profession Art of NursingArticles Why Incivility Continues to Be a Problem in the Nursing ProfessionWhy does incivility continue to flourish in a profession that has caring and compassion as…Keith RischerApril 7, 2016
The One Thing That Every Student Must Know Before they Graduate ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking The One Thing That Every Student Must Know Before they GraduateThere is something that every new nurse (and educator!) must be taught but it is…Keith RischerMarch 31, 2016
Do You Know Your CBC’s and LFT’s? Applied SciencesArticlesClinical Teaching Do You Know Your CBC’s and LFT’s?Students are overwhelmed and stressed by the volume of data in the medical record including…Keith RischerMarch 17, 2016
Do You Know Your BMP’s? Applied SciencesArticlesClinical Teaching Do You Know Your BMP’s?Students are overwhelmed by the volume of data in the medical record including labs. A…Keith RischerMarch 10, 2016
Does my Patient have Orthostatic Changes? Why CO=SVxHR Must Be Applied to the Bedside! Applied SciencesArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking Does my Patient have Orthostatic Changes? Why CO=SVxHR Must Be Applied to the Bedside!How do you confidently identify positive orthostatic changes? Textbooks can be ambiguous and conflicting. But…Keith RischerFebruary 14, 2016
“CO=SVxHR” Why Every Student Must Be Able to Understand and APPLY This Formula to Practice Applied SciencesArticlesClinical TeachingPreparing for Practice “CO=SVxHR” Why Every Student Must Be Able to Understand and APPLY This Formula to PracticeIn order to recognize a change in status and prevent a possible patient death, this…Keith RischerFebruary 11, 2016
Why Nursing Process Can Be a Barrier to Develop a Student’s Ability to Think Like a Nurse ArticlesClinical Teaching Why Nursing Process Can Be a Barrier to Develop a Student’s Ability to Think Like a NurseIf students only know how to use traditional nursing process to establish care priorities and…Keith RischerFebruary 4, 2016
The ONE THING that Students Must Always Include When Teaching Patients Art of NursingArticles The ONE THING that Students Must Always Include When Teaching PatientsDo your students struggle in clinical to embrace the responsibility of being an educator? Most…Keith RischerJanuary 28, 2016