What Omaha Beach has in Common with Clinical Practice ArticlesClinical Teaching What Omaha Beach has in Common with Clinical PracticePreparing soldiers and nurses for the rigors of the real-world share some surprising similarities. Does…Keith RischerDecember 11, 2016
Why the statement “NCLEX® Success” Needs to Be Replaced with “Preparing for Practice” in Nursing Education ArticlesPreparing for Practice Why the statement “NCLEX® Success” Needs to Be Replaced with “Preparing for Practice” in Nursing EducationPreparing soldiers and nurses for the rigors of the real-world share some surprising similarities. Does…Keith RischerDecember 8, 2016
Why the NCLEX® Must not be the ONLY Barometer to Assess the Health of Your Program ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Why the NCLEX® Must not be the ONLY Barometer to Assess the Health of Your ProgramNCLEX® first time pass rates are the current “gold standard” of the health of nursing…Keith RischerNovember 17, 2016
How to Strengthen Student Learning by CREATING Knowledge in your Classroom! ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Judgment How to Strengthen Student Learning by CREATING Knowledge in your Classroom!To strengthen learning, students must not just be able to APPLY knowledge, but also CREATE…Keith RischerOctober 20, 2016
Why Nursing Education Must Emphasize a Clinical Reasoning Based Curriculum-NOT Concept ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking Why Nursing Education Must Emphasize a Clinical Reasoning Based Curriculum-NOT ConceptThough many nursing programs are moving to a concept based curriculum, transformational change can come…Keith RischerOctober 14, 2016
What Every Classroom Lecture Must Cover to Transfer Learning to the Bedside ArticlesClassroom Teaching What Every Classroom Lecture Must Cover to Transfer Learning to the BedsideTo strengthen classroom learning so it can be transferred to the bedside, there are eight…Keith RischerSeptember 22, 2016
How to Recognize Burnout in Nursing Education Before it is too Late Art of NursingArticles How to Recognize Burnout in Nursing Education Before it is too LateNursing students and educators are at HIGH risk to develop burnout. NOW is the time…Keith RischerSeptember 8, 2016
Three Principles Students Must Know to THRIVE, not just SURVIVE Nursing Education! Art of NursingArticles Three Principles Students Must Know to THRIVE, not just SURVIVE Nursing Education!Help your students start the year off on the right foot so they stay balanced…Keith RischerSeptember 1, 2016
Why Clinical Reasoning Is Foundational to Nursing Practice ArticlesClinical JudgmentNurse Thinking Why Clinical Reasoning Is Foundational to Nursing PracticeWHY is clinical reasoning foundational to nursing practice and how do you define it? Strengthen…Keith RischerJuly 28, 2016
Does a Traditional Nursing Care Plan Prepare Students to THINK Like a Nurse? ArticlesClinical Teaching Does a Traditional Nursing Care Plan Prepare Students to THINK Like a Nurse?Is a traditional written care plan the best approach to teach students to think more…Keith RischerJuly 21, 2016
How to Strengthen and Improve Student Clinical Communication ArticlesClinical Teaching How to Strengthen and Improve Student Clinical CommunicationThough the SBAR is taught as a framework for clinical communication, students still struggle with…Keith RischerJuly 14, 2016
Three Questions that Educators Must Ask STUDENTS at the End of Each Semester Art of NursingArticles Three Questions that Educators Must Ask STUDENTS at the End of Each SemesterI recently asked a group of NCLEX® review students three questions that provide a needed…Keith RischerMay 26, 2016