What Transformational Nurse Educators Have in Common with Grey Whales ArticlesClassroom Teaching What Transformational Nurse Educators Have in Common with Grey WhalesBoth students and faculty are sinking in a content ocean of TMI (too much information)…Keith RischerJune 14, 2014
4 Lessons from an Ancient Master Teacher That Can Transform Nursing Education Today ArticlesClassroom Teaching 4 Lessons from an Ancient Master Teacher That Can Transform Nursing Education TodayThere was a master teacher who lived over 2,000 years ago that can also be…Keith RischerMay 29, 2014
Feed Me! Why Educators Must Not Spoonfeed Adult Learners (2nd in a series) ArticlesClassroom Teaching Feed Me! Why Educators Must Not Spoonfeed Adult Learners (2nd in a series)Are students acting like infants or adults in nursing education? Based on the results of…Keith RischerMay 22, 2014