Why the NCLEX® Must not be the ONLY Barometer to Assess the Health of Your Program ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Why the NCLEX® Must not be the ONLY Barometer to Assess the Health of Your ProgramNCLEX® first time pass rates are the current “gold standard” of the health of nursing…Keith RischerNovember 17, 2016
How to Strengthen Student Learning by CREATING Knowledge in your Classroom! ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Judgment How to Strengthen Student Learning by CREATING Knowledge in your Classroom!To strengthen learning, students must not just be able to APPLY knowledge, but also CREATE…Keith RischerOctober 20, 2016
What Every Classroom Lecture Must Cover to Transfer Learning to the Bedside ArticlesClassroom Teaching What Every Classroom Lecture Must Cover to Transfer Learning to the BedsideTo strengthen classroom learning so it can be transferred to the bedside, there are eight…Keith RischerSeptember 22, 2016
Three Words That When APPLIED Will Transform Your Content and Strengthen Student Learning! ArticlesClassroom Teaching Three Words That When APPLIED Will Transform Your Content and Strengthen Student Learning!Case studies are old school, but have the power to situate clinical realities as low…Keith RischerApril 14, 2016
How to Bring Meaningful and Transformational Change to Your Class or Clinical in 2016! ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching How to Bring Meaningful and Transformational Change to Your Class or Clinical in 2016!In order to bring meaningful change it must be grounded in educational best practice. Leading…Keith RischerJanuary 7, 2016
Why It’s Time to Rock the Boat in Nursing Education ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Why It’s Time to Rock the Boat in Nursing EducationThough nursing education remains in need of radical transformation, this needed change continues to be…Keith RischerSeptember 10, 2015
Go From Good to Great! 3 Principles that will Transform Your Effectiveness as an Educator this Fall ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Go From Good to Great! 3 Principles that will Transform Your Effectiveness as an Educator this FallWhat makes a good nurse or nurse educator great? There are three timeless principles that…Keith RischerAugust 20, 2015
The #1 Barrier to Transform Your Content and how to Overcome It! ArticlesClassroom Teaching The #1 Barrier to Transform Your Content and how to Overcome It!I recently jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet on my first skydive. I…Keith RischerJune 25, 2015
Three Practical Strategies to Deepen Student Learning of the Most Important Content in Your Program ArticlesClassroom Teaching Three Practical Strategies to Deepen Student Learning of the Most Important Content in Your ProgramMost students are stressed by the amount of content they are expected to master. Educators…Keith RischerMarch 16, 2015
What Nurse Educators Need Today: Enlightening Results from My Most Recent Faculty Survey ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching What Nurse Educators Need Today: Enlightening Results from My Most Recent Faculty SurveyWhat do nurse educators need to balance the relentless daily challenges of academia and be…Keith RischerFebruary 12, 2015
Don’t Just “Flip” Your Classroom…TRANSFORM It! ArticlesClassroom Teaching Don’t Just “Flip” Your Classroom…TRANSFORM It!If there is one “hot topic” in nursing education today, it is “flipping” your classroom.…Keith RischerDecember 3, 2014
Student Success or Patient Safety: Which Bar Prevails in Your Program & Why it Matters ArticlesClassroom TeachingClinical Teaching Student Success or Patient Safety: Which Bar Prevails in Your Program & Why it MattersAs nurse educators we have a duty and responsibility to protect the public from students…Keith RischerAugust 8, 2014